Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gobble Gobble

So it's been awhile since I got a post up on Lanie Weekly, my bad! We have been super busy with kids parties, church, holiday festivities, and etc. Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving and we started it off just how it should be. Tuesday night out life group volunteered at the Evansville Rescue Mission and helped pass out Thanksgiving baskets.  It was really neat because each family (1,700 to be exact) came through with their box and we put the items in their boxes. It gave us a chance to interact and wish each family a Happy Thanksgiving.  Mallory and I had the easiest job, which was to pass out literature to the families.  Other people in our group were lifting potatoes, onions, and turkeys all night.  Overall it was an amazing event and our lifegroup is proud to partner this year with such a great organization next up is gathering gifts for the family we adopted.

Then Thursday we packed up and went up to the Wade Thanksgiving.  We hung out with the whole family, ate some yummy food, and then decided it was time for Lanie to take a nap.  Not going to lie I was little tired myself so Lanie and I went up to her Aunt Gena's to take a snooze.  We had ourselves a nice little nap and then the rest of the family joined us for make your own subs! We do the traditional meal with Mark's extended family and then dinner is just with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents :) We were back on the road late that night to get ready for the Maxheimer Thanksgiving.

This was the first year my Mom asked me to host and I was super excited to.  I got color sheets for the kiddos and activities, had a actual adult table set up and the kids were in the kitchen/ dining room.  Everyone chipped in with sides and my Dad made a yummy Turkey and Ham.  Then Papa and Mimi started a tradition that I hope they continue because I loved it.  They gave each grandkid (yes all 9 soon to be 10) Christmas pj's.  Then each family got a recordable book all about the first Christmas. The best part was they recorded themselves reading it.  So now we hear Mimi and Papa's voice about 20 times a night as Lanie flips through her book.

Then Saturday we put up our Christmas decorations and trees and played in the annual M & M poker tournament. This year Mark walked away with 2nd place and $70, and I got out early, but then played a side game and walked away with $15, so with the cost of us playing and paying the babysitter we still came out $30 on top!

I will add pictures from all these fun events soon, when I tried to add them it said I needed a larger package, but it won't work right now for some reason!