Friday, September 28, 2012

Bath Time

The other night we had just wrapped up dinner and Lanie wandered off to her room and comes back to the table with her diaper and pink cowboy boots.  Lanie climbed up in Mommy's chair and was resisting taking a bath.  So Daddy as smart as he is made bath time fun by adding a song.  Lanie is super into imitating people right now so what ever motions Mark did she followed. With the new bath time song I don't see why she will ever whine again when it's time to take a bath again!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Silly girl

This little bug is a funny gal these days.  There is so much she is learning each day and at 19  months EVERYTHING is a teachable moment not only for Lanie, but also for Mommy and Daddy.  Mark, put on his twitter last week that parenting is 99.9% patience and 0.1% yelling ( I know I didn't get his quote exact). It is so true though at least for her season of life right now.  We are not perfect by a long shot and Mark actually follows this percentage more than I do.  That is why he thinks Lanie and I will be fun to watch when she gets older and will just sit back and laugh.  Lanie might look just like her Daddy, but she is very stubborn and strong willed like her Mommy.  So I leave you with a Lanie top 10 list of new and exciting things in her life.
1) Swinging
2) Books
3) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
4) Fruit
5) Being outside every second
6) Helping Mommy & Daddy water flowers
7) Babies
8) Stuffed animals
9) Calculators ( we don't she just has become attached to one recently)
10) Pretending to sleep (look at picture below)