Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crawling and Bathtime

It's video time!!!!!! Lanie has offically started crawling it is really slow, but this was taken today, so on August 31,2011 Lanie Wade took her first crawls at the age of 6 months.  Then just for fun a bathtime video because who doesn't love bath time :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bath Time

Only a couple weeks old here
 Lanie has always loved baths.  There are very few times that she has cried during bath time and it was usually because she was just tired and wanted to sleep.  Lanie used to get her baths in the kitchen sink, but recently we have upgraded to the tub.   This was a huge upgrade for her because we have a whirlpool tub so tiny Lanie looks like a little fish in her huge tub. 

Getting big!!

So little :)

I knew Lanie would do great in the tub, but I was a little worried with how big it was if she would feel safe in there.   So we got her a pink ducky, a bath mat, and then we gave it a go.  I should have known that there would be no problems at all. She loves every second of it and splashes & giggles the whole time she is in there.  The best part is Lanie gets a bath every other night, but if she is having a fussy night she gets to play in the tub and it makes everyone happy.  Our little bug is getting bigger every day she just had her 6 month doctors appointment and she is weighing in at 15 lbs 12 oz and 26 3/4 inches long.  She is still tall and skinny 40% for weight, but 85% for height.  Lanie is rocking Mark and I's world and we just love her more and more everyday :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to school to prove to mom I am not a fool :)

Even though Lanie is not old enough to go to school I feel like when school started back up that meant I had to go back to work and it was her first day back to day care full time.  I have had so much fun watching Lanie learn new things this summer.  She is a little comic always making silly faces and her new favorite sound the growl.  Lanie was excited to see the kids and hang out with Ms. Julie and Ms. Andrea. Mommy had a little melt down, but it was like leaving her all over again when she was 8 weeks old. Just like last time though I realized that she is very much loved at her daycare and it makes every moment that Mark and I do spend with her a very special moments. 

Lanie and I took one of these when she was 8 weeks old she is getting so big!
This weekend Lanie, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma & Grandpa Maxheimer went to IL for cousin Ross wedding.  We had a really nice time seeing family and breaking it down on the dance floor.  Lanie called it a night close to her normal bed time and fell asleep on her minnie mouse.  She spent the rest of the reception with Daddy sleeping in her car seat.  It was a great weekend and we are loving this cooler hopefully  the super hot days are behind us fingers crossed!!!

Lanie loved cousin Wren ... Wren was not so sure about her though

Great party

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Peas take 2 & crawling????

Lanie didn't love the peas the first time around so Daddy tried the next feeding and it went a little better there is not much to say the pictures are worth a thousand words!

We either have a soon to be crawler or Lanie is trying to plank!

Baby Landon

Mallory, Will, Norah, Lanie, and I traveled down to Louisville, KY last Saturday to see the newest little friend.  We were all so very excited to meet Landon and to visit with Katie and Chad.  This little guy is so sweet I couldn't get enough of him.  I am pretty sure we rocked Landon's peaceful little world, but we all had a blast and here are the pictures to prove it!

So handsome....Welcome to the world Baby Landon!!

Lots of babies

Look at that beautiful new mommy

The future Mr. & Mrs. Will Dierlam

Sweet Norah Kate

I love this picture......... poor Norah

The kids!


I was taking this picture to show Mark her new boat and she decided to show her spit up too!

Lanie is a fantastic baby!  Even though she looks like her Daddy's identical twin she defiantly got her need for a schedule from her mother.  Even when Lanie was brand new to the world the nurses would bring her to me every three hours to eat.  I would ask if she was fussy and the nurses said no way she is perfect then she would eat go right back down and then like clock work 3 hours later be ready to eat.  Lanie is a Baby Wise baby through and through.  I am not a person that functions well on 4-5 hours of sleep let alone 1 or 2 hours so I read that book like my life depended on it.  Thankfully my sweet girl took to the schedule and was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks old and then sleeping 12 hours at 12 weeks old.  Lanie is for the most part a very content and happy baby I mean don't get me wrong she does get fussy and she will have her days, but she is pretty great.  So I knew she was going to get back at me some how some way.  Lanie decided well since I got this eating, playing, and sleeping thing down what can I do to mess with my Mom hey lets become the  baby that spits up ALL the time.  

I love the picture above because it really just explains Lanie in a nut shell ...super cute, but be warned she will spit up on you some how some way!  When she first started she was about 4 weeks old and she was still drinking breast milk.  I state this fact because every mom out there has said she probably does it more because you have her on formula...NOPE she did this with breast milk too.  For anyone who has seen her in action you will see that it is truly just a inconvenience she thinks is funny.  Because when Lanie eats she is not fussy and when she spits up she is not fussy in fact there have been times where she will be playing on the floor and before I can get the spit up cleaned up she has rubbed her face in it which calls for even more clean up.  When I told her doctor about the problem or what I thought was a problem she told me Lanie was just a spitter nothing is wrong with her medically she just produces a lot of laundry. 

The break down:
36 burp rags (average anywhere between three or four a day sometimes more never less)
2-3 outfit changes
Blanket she lays on needs washed once a week
2-3 bibs a day(she wears these to try to stretch the use of an outfit out longer)

Mark and I have a saying "Be alive".  It was one day when Lanie spit up and I think I was sleep deprived and I needed him to toss me a burp rag and instead of saying look alive I said be alive. Little did I know that this phrase would be the most used phrase in our household these days.  So yes Lanie produces a lot of laundry, pretty much anytime anyone holds her they need to expect some spit up on them, and we never pass our daughter off to someone that wants to hold her without giving them a weapon aka her rag.  I do have to say if that is the worst that Lanie is going to give us is a couple extra loads of laundry a week I am quite alright with that : ) WE LOVE OUR LITTLE SPITTER!!!