I was not very successful at breast feeding bug. I breast fed for two weeks and then pumped for seven. It is really hard to keep up something that is not easy and so time demanding on your body when you know in the back of your head that all it takes is one call from Daddy and the magical Enfamil fairy will come to your door with free formula to feed your baby. Oh the perks of having a husband who works for Mead Johnson. So when I switched over to formula of course Lanie being the awesome baby she is didn't care at all she sucked it down like a champ. I don't what it is and how many people tell you that you shouldn't feel guilty I still did and felt like I needed to make up for it some how. So I decided when it came time for Lanie to start eating solids I would make her baby food. One of my best friends Mallory did it for her son and she gave me lots of good tips so I thought hey I can do this! Well I made my first batch of sweet taters and peas the other night and I have to say it was a lot of fun. It really didn't take long at all and it is way cheaper. I made 16 meals of sweet taters and 16 meals of peas and it only cost me $1.53. So I learned from my pediatrician that I should feed her the same thing one meal a day for three days to make sure there is no allergy. So Lanie started off with the taters!

I am not sure if you can tell by the pictures, but she was not a huge fan. She loves her cereal and woofs that down with no problem. So Mark and I were trying to figure out if it is the new texture or if she does not like the taste. She did eat her meal it was just slow and very forced. By the third meal she was eating better so that is good! I am not a health foodie or anything, but Mark and I do try to eat balanced meals so we want Lanie to have good eating habits too.
Nice and clean |
This smile is not for the peas she just loves her Daddy and he had just walked down stairs. |
So hopefully the same thing happens with the peas that happened with the taters because she did not take to them very well. It was a very messy, slow, and forced meal again. I am very interested in how next week will go because she is going to get a fruit and I have a feeling it won't be as much of a battle!
Tired eyes |