Wednesday, June 8, 2011

3 Months

Our little bug is 3 months old and some weeks now actually on June 18th she will be 4 months, but these are her 3 month pictures.  Lanie is on a first year package so she will get maternity shots(Mommy actually got these), newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month. I love that we got this for her because it is so neat to see her grow and also some of our very best friends are her photographers so they let us get some family shots in there too which is awesome. Mark loves getting his picture taken( NOT), but Crystal and Andrew do such an awesome job and the pictures always turn out so AMAZING! I thought I would share a few of my favorites, but our actual CD had like 150 pictures on it so if you really want to see them all you will have to come on over! 
So Bug is 3 almost 4 months and she is really starting to show her personality.  She loves to be sung to, played with, held, sesame street, and bright colors.  She also has become pretty good at spitting up, crying like crazy when she NEEDS to take a nap, pulling hair, Mikes ears, and Daddy's chest hair! Her all time favorite thing to do is roll over on to her tummy spit up immediately wait for Mommy or Daddy to clean it up and roll her back over and then to it all over again.  I am home for the summer with her and I had forgotten in the short 5 weeks I went back to finish out the school year just how much work this little 12 lb girl is.  I love her more than anything and every day is so exciting getting to watch her learn and grow, but some days Mommy and Lanie go round and round and we are both waiting at the door for Daddy to get home from work. My friend Crystal said it best. She said sometimes you just have to tap out and let the other one take over. Lanie and I are very lucky to have such a wonderful husband/daddy that when mommy needs to tap out he is there waiting to tap in :)

I love this picture!!!!!!

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