One of the coolest things about being a teacher is I get to have a summer break. Now for all the haters out there that say that's not fair or your so lucky I am pretty sure that what ever college you went to you could have majored in education and if you have ever spent as much time as teachers do with elementary,middle, or high schoolers you would totally understand why we need our summer breaks to keep our sanity. I absolutely love teaching, but I am usually just as excited as the students are for summer break and this year I was even more excited because I get to spend it with bug :) Lanie is also taking a little break from daycare to spend time with Mommy. We will still be participating in all the summer field trips its fun for us to get out and I like to get to know the other moms that send their kids to We Care Day Care we just love Miss Julie and Miss Andrea! So to start the summer off with a bang Mark, Lanie, and I had a jam packed weekend, but then Mark and I both came down a nasty summer cold. We were still pretty busy, but had to cut a few things out to try and get better.
Grandma Amy and her best friend Kelly |
Lanie's first Special Olympics event. She wants to be a coach just like Mommy! |
She loves watching T.V. |
Memorial Day-Lanie and her friend Rory |
Daddy and Lanie love to read before bedtime :) |
We started Saturday with Noahs 1st birthday it was fantastic and a super fun time. Lanie was exhausted and so were we so we all took a nap. Then Sunday morning we headed off to church, a church meeting, and then to Will's 2nd birthday!!!! Will is one of my best friends son and it has been so much fun watching him grow into a little man. Not only do we all love Will so much, but he is also Lanie's future husband so we think he is pretty awesome. Will's mom (Mallory) is also having Lanie's best friend Lucy in just a couple weeks we can't wait to meet her!!!! So after all the parties we came back to our house and Mal, Jeff, and Will came over for Pizza and games. Lanie and Will didn't last to long, but we had fun with them while they were still up. Then Katie and Chad stopped by for some fun too and did I mention that she will be having another one of Lanie's friends in August Lanie, Lucy, and Landon now say that three times fast. Then Monday we had a cookout at Uncle Zach and Aunt Melissa's house with lots of people, food, and a super long bags game. To top off the weekend Lanie got a wonderful visit from Grandma and Grandpa Wade. Lanie was so excited to hang out with them and show them all the new things she is learning. So the weekend was pretty crazy, but a great way to kick off the summer!
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