I wrapped up another school year, but really today is the first day that has been laid back. We own a rental property (aka: our house that would not sell) we had great tenants, but they informed us in April that they would need to be leaving in June due to needing more space, so the search began. We asked around to see if anyone we knew would like to rent it and after a brief panic attack of thinking no one was going to and Mark and I would have to carry two mortgages I decided to put it on a site for rental homes here in Evansville. Wow was I shocked when within the first 15 min of being on the site we already had 5 apts set up to meet people and show them the house. Obviously I didn't want to take it down until we had a lease and security deposit for new tenants, so for the next 5 days I was averaging 7-10 phone calls a day about the property! Mark has a good sense on meeting people and gut feelings and I took care of all the applications and paper work. So last Thursday and Friday we meet with six different people all who were interested and all were seriously great people. Mark got a good feeling from the first couple and I really liked them too so after doing some responsible landlord phone calls we decided on them. They signed their lease and gave their security deposit last week and will move in at the end of June, one more thing to cross off the list. Our deck finally got finished after rain delays and some old ladies railing that needed squeezed in before they started ours and it looks awesome! We love to spend time out there and I finally feel like its not an accident waiting to happen, check. Then we had other things like a friends wedding, a birthday party, finishing some stuff in the babies room, work stuff, etc. The problem is I told this new little miss to stay put until all that stuff was done and now that it's done well.......she is still staying put! I go to the doctor on wednesday and we will talk about an induction so it looks like she will be here one way or another real soon! As our little family is patienty waiting we are just having as much fun as this over tired mommy can handle. We have been hitting up the library, spending time with cousins, hanging out with Mimi and papa, overall just trying to give Lanie as much special attention as possible because pretty soon she is going to have to share her mommy and daddy!!
Lanie on her 'birth' day , hopefully soon we can post one of her sister :)
Lanie on her 'birth' day, hopefully soon we will post one like this of her sister, |
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