Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's a.......

Sunday we had our big reveal party to find out what the sex of the baby is.  Tuesday Mark and I went to the ultrasound and saw that there was a perfect, healthy, right on target baby.  When it was time to look at the sex I turned my head, but Mark looked.  He did a good job at keeping it a secret and the ultrasound tech put it in a sealed envelope.  I took it to the most yummy cupcake place and they made cupcakes that all looked the same chocolate and vanilla and then put a cream filling in the middle colored pink or blue for the sex.

Sunday rolled around and it was a busy day at church with working in preschool and the connection event for Lifegroups.  Mark, Lanie, and I didn't get home till 1:00 after both Lanie and I decided it was time for a nap and well rested we were up at ready for the party at 4:00.  My mom and dad host at their house a once a month dinner we have named Super Sunday.  With Zach's family 45 min away and Austin's busiest work day being Sunday it's to much to say every Sunday we at my parents house.  So last year my Mom invented Super Sunday and we all look forward to it each month. We start at 4:00 (Austin's favorite -ha ha) and then eat, hang out, always play a game, and just relax.  My parents always provide the dinner and then the siblings rotate the dessert and game.

Well of course the game was pick the sex of the baby and the dessert was the cupcakes!  Everyone was super excited to get started so they all made me take a bite before dinner so that everyone could know.  The votes were very boy heavy as you can see.

So I took my big bite

And we found out the new baby is a ...


I am pretty sure Zach was more excited than anyone this picture of half his head cut off does not do justice to the pure excitement he had :)

We are so excited to have a healthy baby girl joining the Wade family in June and look forward to many drama filled teenage years with sisters.  Lanie is starting to say sissy, but I am still not convinced that she understands what it going on.

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