Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Working Mom :) :(

Being a working Mom has it's pros and cons all wrapped up in one crazy, messy, busy, chaotic schedule.  I was pretty established in my career before I got pregnant with Lanie and I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to step away from my job.  I love teaching students with special needs and even though some day are extremely challenging it's part of who I am and what makes me, me! I knew when I had her and spent 9 weeks straight with her it would be hard to go back to work full time, but I missed my job and teaching.  I am a big supporter in that every mother should do what works best for her and her family.  I don't think you are a better mom if you stay home or if you go to work.  I get to play stay at home Mom in the summers when I am with Lanie, and I will be the first one to admitt that some days in the summer could be much more productive, but instead get spent watching way to much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
It's always a struggle to know that when I drop her off that someone else is watching her for 9 hours.  We are extremly lucky though that we have some amazing people that love on her and give her all the support she needs all day until Mommy and Daddy can get to her.  Some days are harder than others to drop her off, but what makes it better every day is she gives me a big hug and a smile and has never shed a tear when I have to tell her bye bye for the day.

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