So I know Easter was awhile ago ......alright it was a several weeks ago, but I never had the chance to get picutres up. This was Lanie's second Easter and it was so exciting to watch her actually do stuff this year. Lanie particpated in many parties, easter egg hunts, and family events. Even though it was neat to watch her contemplate the plastic eggs and begg for candy every second the thing I am most looking forward to is her really understanding what Easter is all about. I am head over heels in love with our childrens minsistry at our church and how the partner with parents to bring a child up in faith. Lanie has so many people who love her and I can't wait for her to grasp the love of Christ. On to some pictures of my little bug :)
Daycare party bag |
Egg Hunt at Aunt Gena's |
Easter morning |
Easter Day |
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