Wednesday, September 14, 2011

6 month pictures

This Sunday Lanie Bug will be 7 months old holy crap how did that happen! Lanie's personality is really starting to shine these days.  Most of the time she is the happiest little gal ever, but if you tell her not to touch the playstation or take away something she has found that is not a toy she lets you know she is not very happy about it. 

Lanie is still toothless.  She shows signs of teething with the chewing on everything and tons of drool, but nothing yet. She might need to take lessons from her friend Libby on how to eat with just her gums (Libby didn't get teeth till she was like 13 months or something like that).

A couple weeks ago our friends and photographers The Robersons took Lanie's 6 month pictures and they are amazing.  I love their work and they love Lanie so it makes it even more special.  Here are several of my favorites!!

This is photoshop magic..don't be nervous Andrew was holding her to be safe!

Lanie and her Auntie Crystal/her amazing photographer

I feel like she is saying "get over here and give me a hug!"

Love that face!!!!

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