It's crazy to think that almost two years ago today I was waiting patiently for Lanie to arrive. Feb 14th was her due date, but of course our little gal had plans of her own and she decided that Feb 18th sounded like a much better birthday for her to have. As I think back to that time I remember working right up until my due date, my last day of work was Feb 12th and I was determined to have that baby on Monday which was her due date ohhh silly me. I laugh at all the phone calls and text asking me why I hadn't had that baby yet, like I was holding her in or something. I was swollen, huge, uncomfortable, excited, and scared! I had no idea how to take care of a newborn, birth a baby, or adjust to life with a car seat slung around one arm and a diaper bag over the other shoulder. I didn't know the true meaning of exhaustion (yet) or what it was to be completely selfless. As I sat there for the next five days willing this child to come out I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams how amazing being a mother would actually be. I am not going to say every moment is magical and filled with crafts and sunshine because that is a lie and I am all about being honest! Yes, it is hard to be a mom, but I am lucky to have a husband that is a wonderful Dad and steps in whenever I am riding the train to crazy town (I was on that train Monday). Today is Valentines Day and Mark and I are not big participators. It's not that we are against it or hate the day we just choose not to make it any different than any other day. Lanie had a party at school today so as I was preparing her Valentines for her and excited to see what type of candy I get to eat when I pick her up today (I am pregnant give me a break), I had two thoughts about love. One is that until I had that crazy, sweet, spunky, amazing little ball of energy I never really knew what instant & unconditional love was, and two, the amazing love our God shows us daily even with all my blemishes, mess ups, and short comings. So to celebrate this day I thank God for the greatest gift of all------LOVE :)
Happy Valentines Day- Love, Lanie and all her friends! |