Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cousins and Smiles :)

While I am on maternity leave I realized I might get more than one post up a week. Lanie is so cute its hard not to show her off! On Sunday some of my cousins came to visit and meet Lanie for the first time. We were so excited to visit with family and so happy they made the trip. Lanie was in her normal relaxed state and was such a good girl. She is such a good baby I keep wondering when the other shoe will drop, but maybe just maybe she is, dare I say it a good baby :0 I am sure she will get me back in her teen years :)

Cousin Madison holding baby Lanie. She has a new little sister so she is a pro!

This is my cousin Jen holding Lanie and I am holding her baby girl Wren and the big man standing is Drew my cousin Carly's son he just turned 1.
Daddy and Lanie at 10:00 p.m. bottle. After this she goes down for the night and usually stays down till 5:30-6:30 amazing and she is only 5 weeks old!

So Lanie melts my heart she has since they put her on my chest as soon as she came into the world, but I have been waiting for the smiles. The smiles that every mom talks about. The ones that no matter how many poop diapers, sleepless nights, or the hundredth time I had to change her because of spit up makes it all disappear because the smile just make you melt! Well they started and her smile is the best thing EVER!!!

Two fun facts I have discovered this week of being a mom.

1) I told my friend one time that when you can fart on a guy it is true love. Well Lanie takes it a step further and poops on me and then smiles about it I guess thats her way of showing mommy some love.

2) I don't think Lanie likes the ladies of the View. Everyday when they come on she gets a little fussy and then wants to go down for her nap. I guess she doesn't like their hot topics :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lanie Bug

Lanie is here and already a month old gesh time is racing! Last night during dinner I told Mark I wanted to start a blog for our friends and family that don't get to see Lanie as much as they would like to. Also I thought it would be something neat for her to one day look at when she is older and see how clueless her parents really were! I named the blog Lanieweekly because I am a huge US Weekly fan and also because I know I most likely won't get a post up more than once a week :) Mark and I love this little girl so much every day with her is exciting, new, scary, smelly, and just a huge adventure. We thank God everyday that he gave us such an amazing healthy baby girl. This blog will be full of misspelled words, horrible grammar, and funny stories from a first time Mom and Dad that just want to share every special moment that Lanie lets us partake in every day! So here are a couple pictures that make me smile ....until next week :)